Capacity Building

Organizational capacity-building involves strengthening an organization’s ability to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals by improving its systems, processes, and structures. By investing in organizational capacity-building, businesses and non-profits can become more efficient, effective, resilient, and better equipped to navigate challenges and achieve long-term success.

Community Power Building

Community power-building is a process of organizing and mobilizing the agency, lived experience and potential of individuals and groups in order to work towards a common goal of systems change.

Leadership Development
& Support

Leadership development and support involves providing individuals with the resources, training, and guidance they need to become effective leaders in their organizations or communities.

This can include coaching, mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to leadership programs and training.

By investing in leadership development and support, organizations can cultivate a strong pipeline of future leaders, improve employee engagement and retention, and drive innovation and growth.

Products & Services

  • Organizational assessments
  • Strategic, operational, and revenue plans
  • Racial Justice Learning Lab
  • Developed by Pure Jeanius Consulting, Racial Justice Learning Labs is a curriculum designed and prototyped for white-led CBOs, government agencies, and educators serving Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. Through gamification, participants learn how behaviors and beliefs drive interaction with these communities. The learning is grounded in the history of how systems and structures perpetuate inequities that impact communities. This is particularly important to the movement and power-building toward a more just democracy. Addressing the root causes of systemic racial inequities builds organizational accountability needed to address underlying causes of racial inequities, moving an organization toward establishing a commitment to becoming a racially equitable and culturally responsive system. 
  • Subject Matter Workshops & Webinars: We provide one-time educational sessions that aim to address issues of racial inequality and promote understanding and awareness of the experiences of people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. These workshops may be designed for individuals, organizations, or communities. They may be facilitated by trainers or experts in racial equity, anti-racism, intersectionality, and cultural responsiveness.
Black Women’s Consulting Collective (BWCC)
The Black Women’s Consulting Collective (BWCC) is a group of Black Women business owners with various skills and lived experiences in Equity, Racial Equity, Justice, and Culturally Responsive Coaching, Consulting, and Organizational Development. At Touchstone, we believe that this collective can address the underrepresentation of Black women in the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Racial Equity consulting industry while providing a platform for Black women to showcase their expertise and contribute to the success of their clients. By working together, the Black Women’s Consulting Collective will provide powerful and effective services that are unmatched in the industry.
  • Community Organizing Tool Kit
  • Leadership development, mentorship and coaching